Friday, March 20, 2009

Magnets pt 2

I had a question about the size of magnets I use which is vitaly important. I bought my magnets from K&J magnetics. It took me three orders before I got the right size of magnet. The smallest I got on the top of the pile is 1/8" x 1/32" work great for figure arms. One magnet on the arm/weapon, and one in the model works great.
The next size up I use is 6mm x 2mm. I used these for magnetizing weapons on my warwalkers. I also used one on the weapon and one on the weapon mount. These are pretty powerful, and just a magnet and a nail or screw would have probably worked better. I have broken my warwalker putting these weapons on, you have to be pretty careful.
The largest size, I have yet to find a use for. These things would hold your nine-year old to the kitchen fridge. Getting two of these apart is rather hard. I will definatley use a nail or screw with the magnet for these larger ones. I was planning on using them for turrets or something.
I have loved using magnets on my models. Whenever I play a game, I can switch out the weapons. It does make painting take a little longer though.

Time Part 3

Here is 15 minutes of Blue highlighting:5 minutes fixing the brown
15 minutes doing detail work and fix-ups.
and 10 more minutes on the base for a total of 1 hour 55 minutes for a finished Phoenix Lord ready to slice open some Marines. I felt like taking phoenix lords for a 2000 pt battle may be overkill, but when you see a lot of named Marine characters out, then its time to bring out the Phoenix Lords. We'll see how she does.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fun with magnets

One of the hardest things to do is to glue a weapon choice onto a leader that has the option to have multiple different weapon options. Magnets Rule. Now you can give your character a diferent weapon each day. My wife says its just like barbie how you can change her outfit. Uh-huh. Exactly.
I like to start the hole with a large round bur and clean up the edges with a conical bur. These are dental burs and work great in a dremel.
Once the hole is big enough, I always dry fit it with the magnet on the end of a file.
Once it fits, then I place a small bit of green stuff in the hole, and force the magnet on top. Green stuff works 100 times better than super glue for magnets.
Then I place a second magnet on the first, making sure the polarity is correct, and then put green stuff on the weapon arm, and push it onto the magnet. This pulls the magnet off, and then I shape the green stuff on the weapon and magnet.
Rinse and Repeat and you have all the weapons you need for your model.I like using two smaller magnets, especially on metal figures. I end up cutting away too much figure, or not enough pull with a nail or screw head and one magnet.

Converted Nightwing

I have had this Star Trek spaceship in my conversion box for about ten years, and finaly have an idea for it. With some wings from my son's cheap transformer knock-off, a trimmed down falcon turret and some plasticard, I am attempting a Night wing. Here is what I have so far.
The bulky nose section had to go, so it got lopped off with my dremel. Hopefully then it will look a little more eldar-like and less Klingon. (or whatever, I am more of a star wars guy)
In order to get the dimensions on the nose correct, I used a little bit of Algebra. I got a picture of a nightwing, measured the cockpit in the picture and then measured the actual cockpit from the falcon. Then I measured about 5-6 dimensions on the picture, ie: width of flared section, length of cutaway portion, width of cutaway portion, etc. Then I used the formula :
Picture cockpit/actual cockpit=picture width of flared portion/x. Solve for x and repeat for each new dimension. Then I used these dimensions to draw out the nose sections on paper.

Time part 2

11:55-12:00 dry brush boltgun metal on knee pads and other raised armor

12:00-12:10 Paint gold over brown areas (yes I got a little carried away, too much gold)

12:10-12:20 Wood stain gold portions

Total elapsed time: 70 minutes= almost finished Phoenix Lord. Lunch is over, back to the paying job.

Time is on my side

I get the statement, "Wow, that's just too much time for one figure." Baloney, I say. So I decided to check and see how long it would take for one figure.

5:45 Am-5:55 Am (This is the only time I don't have ankle-biters around, so its painting time)

Blue ink wash on top of gray primer. I like a good primered mini, make sure and take your time with a few coats to make sure you don't see any silver poking through. It will make sure that your colors are even.

5:55-6:10 scorched earth basecoat on weapons and left arm.

6:10-6:30 Bolt gun metal on raised armor plates.

6:30 Time to head off to work so I can buy more minis, and pay for the ankle-biters.

Eldar Banshees

I tried some thing new with painting the banshees. I basecoated the weapons with scorched earth, drybrushed and painted gold over the top of it, and then did a wash with Dark Walnut wood stain. I really like how the color came out. Here you can see the before and after the wood stain wash. I want to go and buy a couple of more colors for the washes.

Banshees Done

I finaly finished my banshee squad. These ladies are my can openers aka Marine killers. I just wish they spent a little more time at the gym like their scorpion counterparts. If we could just get a powersword with the strength 4 of a chainsword. Wait a minute, lets keep those only with the Space Marines, shall we?