Monday, November 29, 2010

Dark Eldar Venom MK I

Here is my finished Venom for the BOLS venom competition.  Once the link is up to vote, I will definitely put it up.

I wanted to make a venom from all leftover parts, so all I would have to buy is a vyper.  The warrior is magnetized for easy removal/transfer to another vehicle.  It actually went together rather quickly, and this was also the test color for my new dark eldar army.  I have two blue armies and a green, so I wanted a red army.  I think the colors look pretty good.
I also wanted to do something other than edge highlight all the armor plates like most dark eldar vehicles.  Its a great look, but takes forever and I wanted something different.  I went for a quick and nasty dry-brush/streaked look.  I think I will clean it up a bit, but was in a hurry to finish the model.  I really like the new models and can't wait to put together a bunch of warriors and wyches.

I think the key to designing dark eldar vehicles is to make them spikey, streamlined, and elegant.  If you get too over-the-top crazy, it starts looking too much like chaos.  Dark Eldar may be depraved, but its a classy, refined depravity.  

Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Space Wolves paint scheme

I finished my first squad of Long Fangs in the new paint scheme.  I started with a grey primer, then airbrushed them a true blue color, then washed with asurmen blue, and drybrushed with space wolves gray.  The other squad was primed gray, washed with devlan mud, and then drybrushed space wolves gray.  I think I like the blue a bit better.
Here you can see the two together.  The rest of the army will be the blue.
The dark eldar have arrived.  This is the first time I have ordered an army all brand spankin' new.  My wife said, "that's not true, you buy stuff all the time."  A WHOLE, NEW army at once.  "Oh, thats different."  I am pretty excited to get started on these great models.  I got 3 raiders, 12 reavers, 20 warriors, 10 wyches, 10 incubi, lelith, and an archon.   I am sure I will get some of the new models when they come out as well.  I am going to wait to do too many conversions until we see what GW ends up producing.  I am keeping my fingers crossed for the fighter and bomber.  I am also hoping Santa brings some Ravagers.