Friday, April 13, 2012

Custom Talos WIP and Space Hulk Mission List

Here is my WIP talos.  Trying to get him painted up for our map based campaign that is launching with a Space Hulk mission.
I still need to do a lot of painting.  He needs more tiger stripes on his legs, and abdomen .  I also changed up his hand weapon a bit, by adding the blade and spike out the back.  It is magnetized, as are the arms at the shoulders and the elbows.

 For the mission, there are NO FOC restrictions, and I know there are going to be a lot of  Terminators and Dreadnoughts.

So here is my list for the Space Hulk Mission:

Lord Vraesque     Huskblade, Soul-trap, Shadow Field.  Still no eyes.

Archon  Huskblade, Soul-trap, Shadow Field.   (Still a lot of painting to do on him.)

Haemonculus Ancient, Splinter Pistol, Agonizer, Casket of Flensing, Liquifier gun
Haemonculus Splinter pistol, Agonizer, Liquifier gun, Shattershard
6 Incubi.  The central planet of the map campaign is named Helios, so its on the banner.  Again, the Incubi are about 75% done.  Still some touch-ups and detail to add.
6 Incubi.  More painting to do yet.
Talos "Tony"  Chain Flails, twin linked splinter cannon, extra CCW.

 Talos "Brutus"  Chain Flails, twin linked splinter cannon, extra CCW.

999 points.