Monday, April 13, 2009

Revenant titan part 3

I have finished the head and the sonic lances. The lances I painted scorched brown, drybrushed shining gold, and then washed with a dark walnut wood stain. (Ace hardware brand-I think it smells better than other stains.) It give a good antique metal look.
Next I painted the pilot. He was harder to paint than I thought he would be. Oh well, most people won't even see him. He's done, thats about all I can say.
I wanted the head to compliment the work I have done on the shoulders, draw attention to itself, but not be too over the top. I have always liked star patterns for Eldar, who are the masters of the webways. I used a technique that works great for freehand painting. I drew the pattern out in pencil, painted it in, and then drew the center circle with black, fine tip sharpie. I also used the sharpie for the transition from the white to blue on the face. I still have some finishing touches to do, but he's almost done. (click on pics for closeup)


  1. Nice job, I'd love to try a titan but they'd take me ages, and there stupidly expensive so unfotunatley it's not gonna happen anytime soon

  2. He is sweet! I love the blue stippling, very well done. The base is very tasteful as well, not overly complex like some I've seen.

  3. The freehand and the stippling take the cake on this one. Very nice work. In fact, I think that Eldar Titan would look really good underneath the left foot of my Reaver... ha! Just kidding... xeno.
