Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why do you play the army you do?

So why do you play the army you do? As a kid growing up in the eighties, I played some Dungeons and Dragons, much to the chagrin of my mother. For me the story behind each game is as important as the game itself.

I started in 1989 playing eldar because I liked the pirate/alien theme. I liked them even more when they became craftworlders fighting to stay alive in a hostile universe. Every eldar lost in battle is another little bit of beauty lost from the universe. When playing, or even painting the eldar, I have a feeling that we can restore the eldar to their rightful place as Masters of the Universe. (no not He-man)

While painting, modeling, or playing Tyranids I feel as though I am part of the Great Devourer and that all life needs to be consumed to feed the ever-hungry master. I have no remorse for any lost organism, as long as the others can continue to feed.

I have started a Marine army, and stall whenever I go to paint or play them. For some reason, I feel as if I am just a grunt doing my job for the Emperor I don't really know or care about. I feel like I am back at work, putting in the hours, because that is my job- to rid the universe of alien scum to protect people I don't know or will never meet. Once again I feel like I should punch a time clock and get paid for the time as a Marine general.

I have started with some Orks as well, and can't seem to wrap my head around them. Sure their models are great, but they just seem to be bungling, inept, destructive frat brats out to blow some things up. That is fun for some time, but also doesn't seem to hold my attention.

I tried starting some Tau, but again couldn't get into their history very much.

So why do you play the army you do? I know I am not the only one to feel some connection to why they play, so let me know.


  1. I play Imperial Guard because I see most of the rest of the forces as pansies.

    Marines have bio-engineering, cybernetic enhancement and near indestructible armor. Necrons are even more indestructible and have ridiculous tech. Bugs are a millenia old devouring race, and orks are literally bred for warfare.

    They are pansies because a Guardsman can stand in front of all of these horrors with naught but a t-shirt and a flashlight and die standing. Plus, gotta Defend Humanity and all that...

  2. I play guard, mainly because I have an affinity with them.

  3. I play Eldar because of their egotistical and savage (sometimes even barbaric) elegance and beauty. They are willing to sacrifice millions of lives from other races just so one of their number will survive.
    It's an oxymoron really, the most advanced race reduced to a desperate and violent existence.

    I also play guard for the reasons Max gave and also because of the story oppoturnities each individual army offers. I am currently in the middle of creating an army based on the Australian SAS basing their terrain on the good old red desert and coming up with a rich history for this small army.

    I also enjoy playing Blood Angels and Khorne every so often as these armies apeal to my "Killie! Killie! Killie!" side. In these circumstances I screw the storyline, bare my teeth and CHARGE! grinning maniacally as heads fly and I wash myself in a shower of blood and bone fragment.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I know I have to identify with the army before I have fun playing with them. GW does a good job with the 40k universe and the backstories to keep people coming back, but everyone has their own preferences and history.

  5. For me its the finesse play style, I enjoy the different approaches to the same general mechanic.
    All elf armies share many of the same themes (specialized elite, fragile force, fast and movement controlling) but each have their own approach.

    Eldar are my favorite of all the elf races for the style and flair. The only thing more deadly than a Fire Dragon squad laying into a Landraider is the team of Howling Banshees that will assault the Terminators that fall out of it.

    The sheer power and grace of a well balanced Eldar list working together is just something you will never see with the other armies.

    I play all 5 warhammer elf armies (High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, Eldar, Dark Eldar), and enjoy the subtle differences between each force.

  6. I play eldar for the reasons alreay mentioned, and necrons. common wisdom claims they are useless and I like going against this flow. I also like their ancient, archaic feel, that they are hiding in countless tombs waiting to be awakened.

  7. good, i just brought lots of fresh emo backgrounds to my blog
