Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Eldar Army pics

I had a couple requests to see the whole army that is painted so far.  So here they are.  In June, I finished the wave serpents and the falcon.  Since then, I started some work on the shining spears, but my eldar have gotten derailed by my wolves and Tyranids.  But mostly the wolves.

I also have about 30 old school Harlequins that I painted in high school.  They didn't make it for the family picture.
Here is also a close up shot of the falcon on the falcon. 


  1. Hi,

    I love the look of this eldar army, in particular the Revenant titan. I was wondering, what size base is it mounted on, I am buying one in september and I kind of need to know what to put the damn thing on.

    Many thanks,


  2. Fantastic looking family portrait! The titan and falcon are splendid! LOVE the 'old school' jetbikes, I've only got one of them.

    Your Autarch is amazing!!

  3. Thanks for the comments. I really enjoy having the revenant with the army. I have been enjoying freehand on my models with enough room.

    I like the old school jetbikes too. They still look great and really take me back. Now if they would only stop falling over.

    Xanadu, I got the base at Michael's for about $1.50. It is about 5 inches in diameter, pine, and works great. I just put some wood stain on, and then based it like a regular base.
