Monday, October 11, 2010

Dark Eldar

With all the shiny new pics, great looking rules, and excitement around the Dark Eldar, it makes me think a couple of things:

1.  Man I want to start the Dark Eldar.  With two armies stagnating in the painting line- I am looking at you Space Wolves and Tyranids- I find it hard to justify buying a new army.  I am a collector along with being a gamer and painter, so the collector side of me wants the new shiny models, and the dark eldar look great.  I haven't even seen most of the new models, and can't wait to see what the flyers look like.  I imagine they look like something batman would be proud to patrol around in.

2.  I can't wait until they redo the Craftworld Eldar rules!  With all the over-the-top rules we see with the latest codices, Craftworld eldar should have some great rules to match.  I may play my craftworlders as 'counts as' dark eldar until I get the figures.  Maybe they will nail the Craftworld Eldar (as they have the dark eldar feel) and give them fewer, elite troops with awesome armor, fearsome weapons, and agile characters.  Also some more harlequin diversity would be great.   I just feel horrible feeding the last few souls of a dying race into the meat grinder with poor armor, ok weapons, and overpriced transports.

3.  From what I have heard from the rules, they have hit the feel and look of Dark Eldar on the nose.  A fragile, hard hitting, horde army with some awesome specialists.  I could see the merciless dark eldar sending masses of regular troops out to battle in horrible 4+,5+ armor, paper light, lightning fast transports, armed to the gills with devastating weaponry supported by some seriously evil specialist troops.

When 3rd edition hit, I had a dark eldar army for a time.  The models weren't that great, and ended up getting sold.  Now I am thinking about getting a dark eldar army again.

So are you going to jump on the Dark Eldar bandwagon?  Let me know why or why not, and if you have pics from the new codex, lets see 'em.


  1. I'm right there with you on the bandwagon. I've been wanting to start a Harlequin-heavy force ever since the new(ish) models were release. This seems like the perfect opportunity. I'm looking forward to see what you'll be doing with the new Dark Eldar models!

  2. I'm jumping ship , mainly as I am sick of playing with the Eldar book vs the ridiculous shit everyone is getting these days, the BA book was/is insane (I regularly beat it)

    having looked through the DE book I think its probably far more balanced and Fluffy than the BA book.

    I think DE are going to be a hard learning curve even for seasoned eldar players as the transports are in no way as tough as a serpent, and no psychic crutches....

    I expect to see a bunch of bandwagoners pack it in soon enough as any people coming from marines are in for a system shock, lol

  3. I agree that a lot of people will jump on the bandwagon and buy the slick new models, only to find that they are not as forgiving as supermen in power armor, then they will complain and sell their sweet new models.

    I like the challenge of a balanced army, and love the background of the Dark Eldar. Saving my pennies now to start 'em. Maybe after I paint 2k of either Tyranids or Wolves.

  4. I dig the new models, although I am not fond of the "ship"-looking transports..
    As I am currently working through my first army, I do have an itch on laying my hands on the new DE as my second army.
    I'll just have to wait till easter though.

  5. Hi!

    First, since I'm new here, let me congratulate you to your blog, it's really fantastic!

    I'm having the same dilemma like you had back when this post was written (especially now that all those new beautiful DE models (I'm looking at the Cronos/Talos kit, the Scourges, the Hellions... man I just want to paint those guys/gals!) are released...), but it's really hard to justify starting the 3rd army right now with Tyranids and Eldar are in progress. Maybe I should put the Craftworlders on hold until their new codex comes out and give myself to darkness and focus on their evil twins instead. Fact is I really like the overall feeling of the new Dark Eldar army, so I think I will soon solve my dilemma like you did and jump to that bandwagon, so see you there :)

  6. Welcome to the darkside dobi! I have left the eldar for the dark kin for now. They are biding their time, carefully planning for when they reach the next level of evolution(new codex).

    I am loving the Dark Eldar. They are fun to play. Lots of great models, units, and fun things to do. It is great to be able to be so mobile, and effective. Sure we can get slaughtered if we are in the wrong place, but who cares, we'll grow more in the labs! Dark Eldar FTW!

  7. Thanks eldaraddict! The more I read the DE codex the merrier I like it! I'm resisting temptation now but as soon as the Haemonculi-Wracks-Grotesques are released, I guess I will jump that bandwagon :)

    Craftworld Eldar definitely need some updates (both in point costs and in making the Elite section plastic I think).

    I'm looking forward seeing your articles and paintings, till I join you on the dark side :)

  8. OK I'm on the bandwagon, just ordered my first 1000 pts of Dark Eldar. Couldn't resist the temptation of the dark side... :)

  9. Congratulations Dobi! Send me some links of you models when you get them done.

    The temptation of the dark side is intense.
