Friday, July 8, 2011

Dark Eldar Collection

So here is a group shot of the collection so far.  I need some Grotesques, new venoms, new scourges, Urien Rackarth, and a few more Haemonculi.  Also some Hellions and Beast squads. So much to paint still.  Click on each for a close-up.


  1. Wow, very nice. I really like your paint scheme, it makes for really stunning Raiders.

  2. Nice collection, you always need more and other models, every wargamer knows this lol.

    Like the Paintscheme you've got going!


  3. Wow, had no idea your army was so big. I am now suffering from DE envy. Maybe i can sate myself with the knowledge that my DE reside in a Tiki lounge, but probably not. Time to get more Dark Eldar.

  4. Thanks everyone. ALWAYS NEED MORE MODELS! I am definitely an addict. I will definitely get some medusa, make some of my own ur-ghuls when the slyth and lameans come out.

    Bald guy, the tiki lounge does rock.
