Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lord Vraesque Archon of the Kabal of the Flayed Skull

Here is my almost complete archon.  I like how he is coming along.  Everything but the eyes.  I have done them about three times, and each time destroy my facial highlighting.   Still struggling with lighting.  It is amazing how a black silk background changes the lighting compared to the green paper background.


  1. Looks good. I love the base too. Is that a custom design?
    I can't wait to see this dude in a couple of months.

  2. Thanks. The base is from Dragon Forge Parched earth set.

  3. I agree, he's looking good. Eyes are tricky, I usually do them after base coat and get them out of the way and that way I can touch them up on the fly when adding higher levels.

  4. Thanks matthew. What size brush do you use on the eyes? The smallest I have is a 10-0. I have tried one of my carving tools with paint on the end with limited success. Thanks for your help.
