Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Logan Wing In Progress

Here is a quick post on the progress of my Logan Wing.  

Squad 1:
TDAWG Chainfist, Stormbolter
 Rune Priest, TDA Chooser
TDAWG Assault Cannon, Storm Shield
TDAWG Storm Shield, Storm Bolter
PAWG Combi-melta, Bolt Pistol
PAWG Combi-melta, Bolt Pistol
Drop Pod

Squad 2
TDAWG Power Axe, Storm Shield
 TDAWG Wolf Claw, Power Fist, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Arjac Rockfist
TDAWG Wolf Claw, Power Fist
TDAWG Wolf Claw, Chainfist
Drop Pod

Squad 3 
TDAWG Wolf Claw, Chainfist
TDAWG Power Axe, Storm Shield
TDAWG Wolf Claw, Power Fist, Cyclone Missile Launcher
TDAWG Power Axe, Storm Shield
TDAWG Wolf Claw, Power Fist
Drop Pod

Squad 4
Long Fang Multi Melta
Long Fang Multi Melta 
Long Fang Multi Melta  
Long Fang Squad Leader
Logan Grimnar
TDAWG Wolf Claw, Storm Shield
Long Fang Multi Melta 
Long Fang Multi Melta  
(You can see I need more multi-meltas)

Squad 5
TDAWG Assault Cannon, Storm Shield
PAWG Combi-melta, Bolt Pistol
Rune Priest, TDA Chooser
PAWG Combi-melta, Bolt Pistol
TDAWG Storm Shield, Storm Bolter
TDAWG Chainfist, Stormbolter
Drop Pod

Group all together.  Pods need some work. Comes out to about 1996 points.  Logic was 2 shooty, 2 choppy squads.  2 Shields per squad, chainfist, and heavy weapon per squad.  With 2 Power Armor Wolf Guard, I could fit a rune priest and 5 wolf guard per pod, which means I could get a heavy weapon per squad.


  1. Dude, I'm literally building a Logan Wing right now. I've got about 20 guys so far. Mixing chaos termies and wolves termies. Nice set up and load out. You look ready to go! Thanks for some ideas.

  2. Thanks. Let me know when you haveyour done. I have used these twice now with varying loadouts. One nice thing is you are gauranteed first blood, and i send arjac after their warlord for slay the warlord. Its tough losing each guy, but they last well. Put your redshirt shields up front, and its tough for people to get thriugh em.

  3. Looks good Royce. It would fun to see those guys carve through an ork horde. That would be a fun game. Take care, -Aric
