Monday, August 12, 2013

Wraith blade progress

Here is a wraith blade that is almost done.  I drybrushed, and washed him, and have started the detail work. I like how he is coming out so far.


  1. That is fantastic! Loving how that's coming along, man. Loving the fades.

  2. I agree, he's looking great.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mordian- thanks. I rely a lot on drybrushing, and multiple washes, until the colors are where i want them.

    Aric. Thanks. I did some wet blending on the shoulders and loin cloths. I put the new blue glaze down first and then started adding in three colors of blue until i was happy. The glaze really made it easy though.

  5. This is a fantastic blog, I'm very impressed with the work here. I'm also glad to see more well painted Eldar armies out there.

    I'm adding this to a sticky on my Eldar forum.

    Keep up the great work!
