Sunday, March 28, 2010

Parasite of Mortrex

Another great Tyranid codex challenge.  An original tyranid warrior, a plastic hormagant, 2 new gargoyles, an old carnifex, and a trygon were mercilessly hacked to pieces for this parasite.  I like how he turned out.  I originaly had a old raverner head on, one with a big, open mouth full of teeth, but I like the Tyranid warrior head better.  I shaved the head crest down a bit to give it a little bit different look.  I added a brass tube to the end of the trygon tail to add the Hypodermic needle look to the tail. 

The wings turned out well.  I painted them with ork hide foundation paint, washed with baal red wash, and then drybrushed the arms with camo green.  Then I added some subtle stripes/veins with the dark green and red washes.  They are very faint, but are easier to see on the actual figure.


  1. Looking good! I like the hollow tail spike.

  2. Awesome and inspiring! I love the wings and the tail - they really combine together to give the whole model the right aesthetic for me.

  3. Royce, I'm not going to lie to you, I saw that, and a little pee came out. This may be my favorite one yet. I REALLY like how the back arches out like that. This thing looks real. The tail is cool, wings, everything. Man, I love this one.

  4. thanks for the comments. I tend to think of a lot of good ideas after I have already primed and gotten something half painted. He was a lot of fun to build and paint. I like having freedom to build a monster however I see fit.

  5. Royce, that is crazy good - you are the master.

  6. Genial brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.

  7. OMG that is so cool
