Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tyranid List help and Clean out time

Hello all:

I have been having a lot of fun playing my tyranid army.  Right now my list is as follows:

Hive Tyrant: bone sword, lash whip, scything talons, wings, old adversary, paroxysm, leech essence, adrenal glands, regeneration

Parasite of Mortrex: joins the gargoyle squad

3 hive guard

3zoanthropes in spore

10 termagaunts devourers

tervigon scything talons, adrenal glands, toxin sacs, cataclysm, regeneration

10 termagaunts: fleshborers

tervigon: crushing claws, adrenal glands, toxin sacs, cataclysm, regeneration

18 hormagaunts, adrenal glands, toxin sacs

18 gargoyles: toxin sacs, adrenal glands

trygon: adrenal glands, toxin sacs, regeneration

Its a fun army.  The trygon does well, the guard are great, the zoanthropes haven't been stellar, but have been doing a lot of assists being part of a one-two punch with my trygon.  I like running the trygon up rather than deep striking him.  The parasite is working pretty well, and is very survivable in with all the gargoyles.  I am thinking I should take regeneration off of everyone since I have yet to see it do much.  I am also thinking about dropping the point hog tyrant, and going with a prime with warrior bodyguard. 
Any ideas or help on the list would be great.

On a separate note,  I started the other night fixing up some old original tyranid warriors.  I started making some lash whips to go with their anemic bone swords and decided to finally get rid of the lot of them.  I don't like how they look, and am jealous of the great looking new models.  Same goes for my old raveners.  They have some great rules I would love to try, but my old, metal, original, raveners just aren't cutting it.  Need the new plastic, or at least the newer metal.  If anyone wants to trade let me know.

I have decided that if I don't like a model, then sell it.  Too much time goes into modeling and painting to use an ugly model.  So ebay here they come

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  1. I've been playing with my 'nids of late, and I've found it's almost easiest to take all the units completely naked. After each game, I review what I have and what I could have used and decide on what stays and what goes.

    With that in mind, I'd ditch the regen as you say on all of them. I'd also ditch adrenal glands and / or toxin sacks on the tervigons (if you're really going to go with super gaunts upgraded by the Tervis, get more termagaunts)

    Tyrant: Are you using the wings as much as you'd hoped? they are equivalent to 1 tyrant guard all by themselves. Also, do you really need +1S and +1I on a model that's S6 monstrous and I5 already?

    I've had very mixed results with Zones and in fact don't have any in my list right now.

    I'd also probably run 4 Hive Guards in 2 sets of 2, it's nice to be able to shoot your target with 2, hope for a hit but have another 2 to go if needed. I find 3 is often overkill.

    I'd also standardize on either Hormagaunts or gargoyles, but not both, but that's just a personal style thing.

    I bet stripping off all the extra biomorphs from the big boys would get you close to another trygon.

  2. thanks for the comment. I agree to send em in naked. completely naked. I like most things that way anyway.

    I like your idea on getting rid of the hormies, adding some more gargoyles and adding another trygon.

    Back to the drawing board, and ebay.

    thanks again for the ideas.

  3. I have tried Zoanthropes and Hive Guards. For an army that walks/run towards the enemy, the Hive Guard has prove their worth every game. Zoanthropes in Spores are unsupported. I have already remove them from my list.

    I also find my Tervigon are rarely involve in any fights. I will also keep him cheap but I gave it toxin sacs so that those assault army that dare come close to my Tyranids are met with some resistance from Termagants that are bubble wrap around all my units.

    I tried regen on all my MCs, I havn't regen a single wound in 3 games. Thus they were taken off from my list too.

    Hope helps.
