Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dark Eldar Incubus Test and Finished Trueborn Squad

This dark eldar army is painting itself.  I have the incubi 90% done, and the trueborn squad is almost done as well.  Whenever I take pictures I see a lot of little finishing things I need to do.  Here is the incubus.
I think my favorite parts of the paint job is the sword, and the bone colored head.  The sword blade I painted boltgun metal, washed with devlan mud, and then did fine little stripes with mithril silver.  I did the same thing with the giant razor blades on his back.  The head I painted tallarn flesh, washed with devlan mud, drybrushed with bleached bone, washed with gryphon sepia, and final highlighted with skull white.  The horns were the same colors, but I took the sepia wash to the top of the horn, and then a devlan mud wash only about half way up.

The Trueborn squad looks good together.  I really like the bronze with the silver black and red.  It really makes the squad stand out as elites.  I still have a little bit of finishing work to do.
The Dracon's arms are magnetized as is the backpack.  After much deliberation, I decided to go with a blue/purple skin for the dark eldar.  I like the darker skin like fantasy dark eldar.  It makes them look sinister and alien.

Should I paint some skulls on some of these helmets like the halo reach guy?  I am tempted to paint a couple that way.  What do you all think?


  1. They look awesome. Up close, a little rough. Could use some blending or maybe a light top coat wash to help blend it in, but I really like their look.

  2. The skin tone reminds me of the Forgotten Realms. Great choice.

  3. Loving the metals. Good work!

  4. Thanks for the comments. I agree that they look a little rough up close. The models always seem to look great until you take a pic and notice all the things you need to fix. I will definitely blend them some more.

    I am also wondering if I should paint some skulls on the front of the trueborn masks, like the halo reach guy. What do you all think?

  5. These guys are awesome! Probably my favorite ones. Keep going, finish the army.

  6. Man I'm really digging following you develop your army. Great job all around.

  7. Really like the look of these Eldar, you comented on my space wolves blog so I dropped by, I will read through your blog and try and pick up the colours & methods especially if airbrush ivolved because I might copy these!

  8. I am running a 5 man trueborn with dracon/agonizer and all the grenades in the world. Dont tell anyone, tho.

  9. The only criticism I have is you did not file down the mold lines on the Trueborn... Other than that, top marks on color scheme and painting.

  10. Kaiser, I'll get those pesky mold lines. They are the bane of me. I agree that they have to be gone 100% to be a complete model. They will be gone before they are 100% done.

    Shotdown your secret is safe with me.

  11. I really like the gritty darkness of this color scheme. The deep reds are really stunning.
