Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Theories on the next Dark Eldar Release

Like most other Dark Eldar lovers, I am anxiously awaiting pictures of the new models.  I know they will be great, but am still wondering what they will look like.  After reading the White Dwarf covering the initial release, I realized that the artists for the codex pictures WERE GIVEN EXAMPLES OF MODELS to base their pictures on.  It wasn't like, "a warp beast has this description, go crazy on what it looks like in your drawings, we'll make models later."  It was more like, "Here are our models for _______ (insert model name here), please draw cool battle pictures depicting these models."

If you look at all the drawings of warp beasts, beast masters, mandrakes, reavers, wyches, incubi, warriors, succubi, etc. etc.  they match the models EXACTLY.  So you want to know what a venom is going to look like?  Check the drawing.  Grotesque?  He is there.  Wrack?  He is in the codex.  Also every drawing depicting grotesques has them looking the same. 

The latest pictures that come out look like a Grotesque head, and maybe the forearm armor of a talos pain engine.  If you look at the drawing of the talos in the codex, it has a lobster-like armored forearm covered with small little spikes. 

The only unknowns are lady malys, asbrudel vect, duke sliscus, and the voidraven.  We have a shot of the razorwing and all the other models that are still to be released. 

Just my 2 Cents.  Let me know what you think they will look like if I am wrong.  I will bet you a squad of mandrakes that I am not.


  1. I agree completely my initial thought was talos for the same reason all the pictures match up well in the codex.

  2. I'm afraid you aren't completely right :)

    The fact is that the artists aren't given examples of the models, but exactly the opposite. The artists design the concept of the model, and the sculptors do their work trying to recreate it as closely as possible. That is how it's done, believe me; I work in the industry.

    That doesn't change the fact that the illustration will resemble the final model with a high level of accuracy, and that is the point of your post. So yes, images in the codex will probably be very very similar to the produced models (but in some rare and special cases).

    BTW, great blog and excellent conversions and paintjobs. And excuse my poor English :P

  3. Juahn F'rann,

    Thanks for the correction. I am glad you enjoy the blog. I bet your english is better than mine ;)
