Friday, January 29, 2010

Tervigon WIP

Here is my Tervigon.   He is built with the Carnifex kit.  I wanted the Tervigon to be more horizontal than standing upright.  I also wanted it to be a BIG bug.  So I made it about 1.5 cm wider, and taller.  I replaced the back legs with talons, and magnetized the front arms to use mawloc talons or the carnifex crushing claws.
I built jaw mandibles out of genestealer arms and extra spikey bits from the carnifex kit.
I also made new central chimneys out of 2, 3mm depth plasticard cut to size and carved with a dremel.
Next I built up a framework to support the green stuff out of sprue. 

Now I laid down a layer of greenstuff and will wait for it to dry before doing the final upper layer of armor.  
Now for the birthing canals and baby termagaunts.

tervigon part 2
Tervigon WIP done


  1. SImply amazing. Glad I'm following this blog!

  2. That's one big girl...

    I like how you've fattened her up, and added the genestealer arms as mandibles. I certainly wouldn't want to run into that monster in a dark alley!

  3. I like it. The only downside is the size; but the rest of it is pretty sweet. It's a hell of an expansion to the basic carnifex chassis, and it's well-done.

    The only other suggestion I have for filling stuff like that is patiance and hot glue for filling stuff; it's a lot cheaper if you're willing to take the time.

  4. raptor has a point: there are better things to do mass filling with than Greenstuff.

    What are you going to use for a base?

  5. Looks real good. The new Codex has really brought out some awesome conversion work as of late...

  6. You could always buy Kneadatite (i.e. Greenstuff) in 36" lengths from the manufacturer or a good hobby supply place. I get mine from a local supplier and it is in the region of $22 for 36" as opposed to $17 for 6" ($Aus).

    This look very interesting, I may have to watch this progress.

  7. Thanks a bunch for those wip pics, very helpful and useful!

  8. Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback. I have cut a piece of board the size of the trygon base for its base. The size is a little bit of a liablility on the battlefield, but I wanted her to grab people's attention and look like she would have 6 wounds.
    I will have to try the hot glue gun idea. Thats a great idea.
    I really like the new codex to give modellers a chance and a challenge to create some very exciting bugs. I want to do the parasite and a harpy as well.

  9. On mine, it not the best variant

  10. Absolutely fantastic. This might be the best Trevigon I've seen yet -- and you taught me a few great techniques, too. Many thanks.

    Steve -- Warhammer Armies

  11. 40k Terrain. thanks. I really spent a lot of time on that one. I really enjoy using him in battles too. I needed to bring out the birthing canals a bit, they kinda get lost in all the parts everywhere.
