Monday, June 14, 2010

Painted Falcon

I bought this baby like 12 years ago, and finally got up the courage to paint it.  I have been pulling out my eldar again to finish a 3000 point army for an apocalypse game.  So I finished this falcon, and three Wave Serpents.  I am pleased with the freehand work, and wish I had left some room open on the wave serpents for more freehand work. I have gone with a bird motif on my eldar.  The revenant, autarch, and now the falcon have birds on them.  Kinda like the 70's firebird with the sweet eagle on the hood.  I think the eldar would have loved the 70's.

I got the design for the hawk off of a snowboard design that I liked.  Drew it on with pencil, and then started painting. It only took about 15 minutes total.  The key is to get a design you really like, and then get the pencil as close as possible.  Then the painting is easier.  The Geometric pattern I made up myself. 

You can see the yellow looks a little 'splotchy' on the turret.  I originaly stippled it blue with the rest of the tank, and then decided to paint it yellow afterward.  After a coat of white, yellow white mix, and then yellow, the darker blue bled up into the paint as a brown color.  I decided to leave it instead of painting twenty more yellow and white coats on.  Also, I used a fine tip sharpie to outline the falcon and the sun pattern but moved the lines to make them more symetrical.  The sharpie kept bleeding up through the white/beige too.  It took about 7 layers to finally cover it up. 

I have had a revelation on my magnetizing.  On larger pieces like the turret and chin mount, it is easier to put a magnet (6mm) on the tank, and then a piece of sheet metal on the weapon.  Two larger magnets end up either breaking the model when you get them close together, or pulling out of the model and sticking together.  I got the sheet metal from a dry-erase board my wife threw away.  The metal is very thin, and easy to cut and shape.  Works like a charm.

I have always liked the falcon model, and am excited to blow up some mon-keigh upstarts.


  1. That's pretty cool. Falcon on a Falcon. I like it.

    A tip for the yellow. Might want to go for the light foundation grey (astronomican grey or something) as it covers much better than white. The white it strategic spots followed by yellow. Painted quite a bit of yellow and have come to the conclusion that many layers of yellow isn't the solution, the trick is having the right color before you paint the yellow:)

  2. Thanks for the tip. I will have to give the grey a try.

  3. I love this thing. Great freehand, I would never have the nuggets to try something like that. I would like to see the entire army now that it's almost entirely painted.

  4. Wow that is a beautiful tank! Can't believe I only just found it. Any chance of some close up shots of the eagle free hand?

  5. Thanks Silar. I will have to put up some close ups of the eagle and a pic of the painted army as it stands so far, for Aric.

  6. what a great idea...very nice...

    maybe a wave with a serpent in it for the wave serpent ha ha

