OK, I am an official 40k player. I have played 40k off and on since high school (1989) but have never had a space marine army. After reading Chapter War, I decided that I understand Space Marines, and yes they are cool. I have always liked the Space Wolf lore, but not always their models. The new models are great. I found a whole army on ebay that was already mostly assembled, but unpainted. I bought the lot, and here they are. I am planning on magnetizing the razorback and predator, so I can try them out as rhinos or the heavier tanks. I would like to make a thunderwolf cavalry unit, but will probably wait until I get these guys painted to start on them. After reading the codex, I am excited to give these superhuman werewolves a try.
The original owner did a great job of assembling these guys. There are metal space wolf shoulder pads, forgworld parts, and everyone is assembled great. I am going to add a bunch of combo weapons and some more melta marines around. He also had ALL the new characters. It is a sweet army that was assembled very well.
So here is the first trial squad. I primed them with a grey primer. Then washed them with devlan mud. Then I drybrushed them with a 3:1 mix of codex grey and a light blue. I still have a lot of detailing to do, but like how they are coming along.