Tuesday, September 1, 2009

WIP Karandras

click on image for extreme close-up

Here is Karandras that I have been working on over the weekend. I love the paint scheme. I think I will paint my Tyranids in the same colors. Still need to do some finish work and of course the base. I wanted to tone down the monstrous mandiblasters and paint him in a dark, shadowstalker-esqe paint scheme. I can't see someone being a shadowstalker with bright yellow and green armor. Thats how I saw him at least. I like how the brown shoulder pads turned out. It makes the armor look ancient. I still need to do gem work, and more finishing on the black and dreadlocks. So far so good.


  1. Great figure, he looks awesome. I really like that brown too. How did you do it?

  2. The brown was done with graveyard earth, washed with devlan mud, then highlighted from graveyard earth, to a 1:1 mix of sunburst yellow and graveyard earth. The darker brown is black drybrushed with graveyard earth. Using so much graveyard earth seems to ty the figure together.

